Earn Your 格 With uedbet官网ISD
格 类
Did you drop out of high school or are missing too many credits to graduate?
The uedbet官网ISD 格 program could be for you! The 格 is a high school equivalency diploma and all classes are led by certified teaching staff.
The 格 is widely recognized by both employers and community colleges.
Earning your 格 requires the completion of 4 tests:
- 社会研究
- 数学
- 语言艺术
- 科学
格 Testing Center
Our 格 testing center is closed for the summer. Watch for details later when 格 testing is available again this fall.
To schedule a test: visit 格.com
To request your 格 transcript: visit 格.com
- Click on "grads and transcripts" at the top of the page
- Select the state in which you took the 格 and click on "request transcript"
- if you took the test in Michigan, you will be redirected to the DiplomaSender website; create an account and complete the remaining steps
怀俄明 Campus
3600 Byron Center Ave.
怀俄明, MI 49519
Phone: 616-530-7500
Sneden Hall, 大急流城 社区 College
富尔顿街415号. 东
大急流城, MI 49503
Crossroads Alternative High School
28 60th Street SE
大急流城, MI 49548
Class Times and Options
- Morning - M-F, 9 - 11:45 a.m.
- Afternoon - M-F, 12:15 - 3 p.m.
- Evening - M-W, 5:15 - 8:45 p.m.